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Reclaiming Your Intuition

Have you ever gone against your own intuition? How did that work out for you?

Have you ever felt so numb to your internal signals that you didn’t even sense what your intuition is communicating to you? Or have you ever consciously overthrown your own intuition for your desire to be loved and accepted? Maybe you overrode your intuition hoping to prove that you were a perfect match for a partner, a job, a community, rather than sensing and questioning if the relationship, job, or community was a good match for you. Please remember there is nothing to prove in love and acceptance, and that true love and acceptance must begin within. We must start with ourselves.

Moving Beyond Disappointment

There is an excitement in imagining opportunity manifest. When opportunity arises and we truly believe ourselves to deserve it, we start to see and feel ourselves experiencing what it is that we want. We imagine it so completely we begin to engage our senses. We may even start to communicate to our friends that it is “happening!” Then we get the notice that we were not chosen.

It is disappointing.

Crossing the Sea of the World

Whatever comes to pass is all right.

Presence can be constantly felt. All the shocks and blows cleanse and purify us. We keep emptying self to fill with love. No sticky possessiveness, just miraculous expansion.

This is the time when we can allow our light to increase and in turn illuminate a new paradigm. What is to give light must endure burning.

It requires presence. We must presence ourselves in our lives. We must presence ourselves in every single moment!

If we loose presence we become vulnerable. We become vulnerable even to the things we think we want, just about everything.

The “Big” Choices

Perhaps the biggest choices with the most profound effects aren't the choices we as a culture consider to be the "Big" choices. For example, we may all think the "Big" choices are concerned with job, marriage/divorce, home, family, etc. Perhaps these are more...

Imagination Explorations

Patanjali, author of The Yoga Sutras, shares that there are five states of mental activity; understanding, misunderstanding, memory, sleeping, and imagination.  Imagination seems to be a challenging mental activity for those of us raised and living in our current cultural, social, educational, and economic system.  Or so we remember.  How often do we as adults imagine, like we did as a child? I remember my childhood imagination explorations including faeries, castles, mythical creatures, dances, romances, flying, time traveling, body swapping, etc.

Limitation is Due to The Mind.

Everyone looks at things from their own viewpoint. There are multiple truths, multiple perspectives, based on the perception. This shows not only distinctions in perceptional experience, but also distinction of one mind’s view from others. The mind perceives from its own experience and preparation.

Self forgets itself by relating to mind and body. As humans, we eat, breathe, love, and die within our physical forms. So it makes sense we associate with the physical. Our experiences within the physical create much of our mind stuff. But we are so much more! True Nature becomes imbued with the belief that it is limited to the body, and starts to think of itself as a product of cause and effect, time, a particular family, society, nation, planet. Thus, the soul gets shut out from true life.  Limitation is due to the mind. When this is realized the psychological self can reach beyond the things of the mind.

Agribusiness: Why did humans abandon their job to protect Nature? By: Shannon Connell


The unethical practices of food production and its transportation, packaging, and sales are the major contributors to the environmental and health crisis humans now face (Lappe, 2010). This becomes evident as the U.S. Federal government offers only 3% of annual funding to public health interventions in disease prevention and community health education (Schneider, 2006). The depletion of soil, water, and air along with the production of low nutritionally content foods and their consumption are major contributors to environmental pollution and to the current chronic disease epidemic, known as Syndrome X (Monat, Lazarus, & Reevy, 2007). Corporate control of our food supply has not only created a disconnection to Earth and Spirit, but has created a capitalistic overtaking which is inconsiderate of human and environmental well being (Hammers, 2002). There is interconnection between stress and cortisol levels, eating behavior and food choices, human health and environmental health (Epel, Lapidus, McEwen, & Brownell, 2001). Understanding the interconnectedness between all beings and all things is a vital realization for conflict resolution.

Breathing Techniques- Practice

Choose your seat. Find a comfortable upright position. Ground down through both sit bones equally. Set up the connection to the Earth. Stack and create space between each vertebra. Reach up and lengthen through the crown of your head. Bring your attention to your breath.

Allow a couple rolls of the shoulders to release any tension, stress. Then have the shoulders relax and squeeze shoulder blades together to open the heart.