Limitation is Due to The Mind.
Everyone looks at things from their own viewpoint. There are multiple truths, multiple perspectives, based on the perception. This shows not only distinctions in perceptional experience, but also distinction of one mind’s view from others. The mind perceives from its own experience and preparation.
Self forgets itself by relating to mind and body. As humans, we eat, breathe, love, and die within our physical forms. So it makes sense we associate with the physical. Our experiences within the physical create much of our mind stuff. But we are so much more! True Nature becomes imbued with the belief that it is limited to the body, and starts to think of itself as a product of cause and effect, time, a particular family, society, nation, planet. Thus, the soul gets shut out from true life. Limitation is due to the mind. When this is realized the psychological self can reach beyond the things of the mind.