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Yoga To Increase Time Management Skills

Are you taking care of the most precious asset you have? Your Body and your Mind. Time management is the process of planning and organizing activities in order to enhance performance, maximize productivity, and increase efficiency.Being good at time management will greatly improve your quality of...

Hot Yoga: Physiological and Psychological Benefits to Adding Heat and Humidity to Practice

There are so many dimensions to the practice of yoga. Often there are no words to describe the reason we keep going back to our hot yoga classes. It is just something we begin to feel. There is such a sense of cleanliness once showered and nourished with fresh water after the practice. To people who have never gone to a hot yoga class, they may think it sounds like torture to stay 90 minutes in a room heated to 115 degrees and up to 40-50 percent humidity. To the disciplined hot yogi there are days when we may want to scream, pass out, lie down, or leave the room.

Knowing why we are doing what we are doing can be of great benefit and motivation when we are exhausted, drenched in sweat, and about only half way through the standing balancing series. The heat and humidity puts our bodies into physiological responses that are of incredible healing benefit. The mind is also stretched in the practice revealing many psychological benefits.

Reclaiming Your Intuition

Have you ever gone against your own intuition? How did that work out for you?

Have you ever felt so numb to your internal signals that you didn’t even sense what your intuition is communicating to you? Or have you ever consciously overthrown your own intuition for your desire to be loved and accepted? Maybe you overrode your intuition hoping to prove that you were a perfect match for a partner, a job, a community, rather than sensing and questioning if the relationship, job, or community was a good match for you. Please remember there is nothing to prove in love and acceptance, and that true love and acceptance must begin within. We must start with ourselves.

Moving Beyond Disappointment

There is an excitement in imagining opportunity manifest. When opportunity arises and we truly believe ourselves to deserve it, we start to see and feel ourselves experiencing what it is that we want. We imagine it so completely we begin to engage our senses. We may even start to communicate to our friends that it is “happening!” Then we get the notice that we were not chosen.

It is disappointing.

Crossing the Sea of the World

Whatever comes to pass is all right.

Presence can be constantly felt. All the shocks and blows cleanse and purify us. We keep emptying self to fill with love. No sticky possessiveness, just miraculous expansion.

This is the time when we can allow our light to increase and in turn illuminate a new paradigm. What is to give light must endure burning.

It requires presence. We must presence ourselves in our lives. We must presence ourselves in every single moment!

If we loose presence we become vulnerable. We become vulnerable even to the things we think we want, just about everything.

Imagination Explorations

Patanjali, author of The Yoga Sutras, shares that there are five states of mental activity; understanding, misunderstanding, memory, sleeping, and imagination.  Imagination seems to be a challenging mental activity for those of us raised and living in our current cultural, social, educational, and economic system.  Or so we remember.  How often do we as adults imagine, like we did as a child? I remember my childhood imagination explorations including faeries, castles, mythical creatures, dances, romances, flying, time traveling, body swapping, etc.

Depression and Anxiety: It’s the Now or Never Calling.

Depression and Anxiety: It’s the Now or Never Calling.  By: Shannon Connell, Health Psychology

Depression and Anxiety maybe aren’t disorders of mind, rather disorders of focus. It is the chance to surrender and heal soul wounds. And why is it not socially acceptable to take a few days to rest and restore in preparation for change? To such degree you need a Doctor’s note to take some time off from the rat race, and relationships feel threatened? Socially, most are conditioned to find joy in other’s company. Media boast about all the parties, and travels. What about the company you keep with yourself? Depression isn’t healed with medication, or avoidance through social escapes. Research supports that medications make depression worse.  Depression is healed with love, loving self, and taking the time and space to explore soul wounds to heal.

Limitation is Due to The Mind.

Everyone looks at things from their own viewpoint. There are multiple truths, multiple perspectives, based on the perception. This shows not only distinctions in perceptional experience, but also distinction of one mind’s view from others. The mind perceives from its own experience and preparation.

Self forgets itself by relating to mind and body. As humans, we eat, breathe, love, and die within our physical forms. So it makes sense we associate with the physical. Our experiences within the physical create much of our mind stuff. But we are so much more! True Nature becomes imbued with the belief that it is limited to the body, and starts to think of itself as a product of cause and effect, time, a particular family, society, nation, planet. Thus, the soul gets shut out from true life.  Limitation is due to the mind. When this is realized the psychological self can reach beyond the things of the mind.